Differences of sex development will impact on school life in many different ways.
Parents have shared with us how they felt when their child started school or pre-school. We have heard about the different ways parents chose to talk (or not talk) with schools.
For our programme of work 2019-2020, we will be looking at producing information and resources to share with teachers (early education, primary and secondary).
Some parents chose not to say anything to school unless the child needs regular medication and to have an emergency kit in school. If your child has CAH, have a look at the information on the Living with Cah website from where you can download a letter to explain to school that your child has CAH and what to do in emergency.
Some children will need help or more time to use the toilet. School can help you work out how this is managed and how this information is passed on each time your child changes class teacher. By secondary school you will have figured out what works best for your child and they will probably have their own strong opinions!
Some parents have simply let school know that their child is well but has medical check-ups and will need time out for appointments.
When an underlying condition can contribute to how a child learns and socialises, it might help teachers to know more about their condition. You can visit the Turner Syndrome Support Society and Klinefelter’s Association for more information.
If you’re concerned about upcoming sex education, you can suggest to your child’s teacher to use inclusive language and to talk about how many girls will have periods, that many boys will develop this way, that there are many different ways to build a family…(rathen than use language that is limiting).
For lovely stories by a parents talking about her experience see 'Sammy' or 'Thomas' pages.
This leaflet has been produced for teachers and schools who are wondering about whether and how to talk about DSD.